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About Mr. Bruce Powers

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Bruce Powers has been involved in the financial markets for the past 20 years and possesses a wealth of knowledge in the areas of trading, investing and technical analysis. Most recently Bruce was Senior Vice President of Arab Capital Markets Resource Center in Dubai, a financial research and consulting firm focused on the MENA financial markets and developing economy. The company was developed within Better Trends Group, Dubai, where Bruce was Vice President of Business Planning developing and reviewing projects in various sectors for rollout in the GCC countries.


Bruce worked as a trading and technical analysis educator and content developer with a leading US training company and began his career as a research analyst at a Los Angeles investment bank focused on the high yield debt markets. He has been an active equity trader in the US markets for the past 10 years. Bruce is a special contributor to the Gulf News newspaper covering the UAE stock markets and has been a regular contributor to The Wealth Matrix magazine on topics including the world financial markets, investment and the economy. He earned his MBA in Finance from the Eller Graduate School of Management, University of Arizona, USA. 

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