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About Mr. Daud Vicary Abdullah

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Daud Vicary Abdullah is the Principal of DVA Consulting. Daud has been in the Finance and Consulting Industry for more than 35 years, with significant experience in Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Middle East.  Since 2002 he has focused almost exclusively on Islamic Finance.

Daud holds an Economic and Social History Honours degree from the University of Bristol, England, is a distinguished fellow of the Islamic Banking and Finance Institute of Malaysia (IBFIM) and a former Board member (2003 – 2007) of the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI).

Daud started his career with Lloyds Bank, followed by Chemical Bank and Midland Bank, where he gained experience in Retail Banking Operations, Internal Audit, Back Office Systems, IT support and Internal Consultancy. He spent 7 years as a Partner/Director with Deloitte Consulting where he was responsible for setting up the firms Global Centre of Excellence for Islamic Finance based in Malaysia and involved in developing and running Shariah Review Programs and the transformation of financial institutions to provide Islamic Financial services.

Daud was the first Managing Director of Hong Leong Islamic Bank, where under his guidance the Group successfully transformed an Islamic Banking Window into a full-fledged Islamic Banking Subsidiary. During his time at Hong leong he was also closely involved in the planning for and launch of Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful, where he was a Board member. Following that, Daud became Chief Operating Officer at Asian Finance Bank, a brand new Islamic Bank, where he was responsible for establishing the infrastructure to support the business lines, opened new branches and established a representative office in Jakarta.

Daud is involved in delivering and coordinating the delivery of strategic and operational consulting for the establishment of Islamic Financial Institutions as well as providing training and operational insight to the running of Financial Institutions.

Daud is a frequent speaker and commentator on matters relating to Islamic Finance, has been a contributor to a number of books on the subject and is currently co-authoring a book on Islamic Finance for non-Muslims.

Specialized in: Islamic Finance
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RIFS - Registered Islamic Financial Specialist 12 - 16 April 2009 Cairo, Egypt

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